FeverIAm aka Mike Radmann is a vlogger with an eye on world
events. Two months ago he put his videos back to public on YouTube which resulted in
them flooding his subscribers as if they were all new material. Didn't know
that happened when You Tube restrictions changed. Fever is a great resource for
keeping an abreast on the unfolding of our world's politics and economies. In the
past year he has been relatively dormant as other things have taken his attention
In his very first video from 2008 he encourages his viewers to find
their own truth. He is referring not only to what you will find on the internet but age
old truths in the arena of free thought and free will. Fever warns that we have
to increase our ability to think for ourselves and be wary of so-called
authorities force feeding us what they want us to think. Another suggestion is
to get yourself a copy of 1984 by George Orwell and begin by reading the Appendix
focusing particular attention on learning about Newspeak and what it means.
Here embedded below is the aforementioned video: